
How Long Does It Take to Make Soap?

Lynn Jones-Texadus

We are often asked "How long does it take to make soap?" My response starts with "Well first a mommy goat and a daddy goat love each other very much...." Our soap is Goat Milk Soap made from the our goat's milk. It is not made with goat milk powder or melt and pour base. It is cold process, hand crafted, goat milk soap. #wemilkthegoats #wemakethesoap No breeding, no baby goats, no baby goats, no milk. 

So how long does it take? First comes raising and caring for our small herd of goats. Breeding season begins in late summer and early fall. Then the wait begins. A goat's gestation is approximately 150 days. Kidding season is the fun and sometimes stressful time on the farm. Baby goats are a blast! And with baby goats comes MORE MILK. 

Now we have the milk for our soap. Usually fats and oils are pre-measured one day and molds are lined. On soaping day once everything is set up it takes about 30min per batch, The molds of soap then sit about 24 hours (depending on my schedule sometimes a bit longer...) Next each log of soap is unmolded and wiped down. I measure, cut, and weigh each bar. A large mold currently does 28-29 bars and a small mold does 12-13 bars. We have over 15 molds. Each bar is then moved to the cure rack. It will remain there 2-6 weeks depending on the soap. It is then moved to boxes to await wrapping. Each bar is again wiped down, wrapped, labeled, and shrink wrapped. So technically the entire process is over 6 months.... 

Texadus.... We think it matters. 


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