
Making Sweet Passion

Lynn Jones-Texadus

Yes, another NEW soap! It is the season to play and shake things up a bit. 

I thought I'd share the process a bit since it has been awhile. 

First mixing the water and sodium hydroxide (lye)


Then blending in the pre-weighed fats and oils 


Next we blend in the goat milk (We MILK the goats! We MAKE the soap!!)

Next is PLAY TIME.... we pull out some soap batter and color for whatever swirls we want... this time we wanted 2 shades of purple and a nice teal. 




Sometime we leave the colored parts unscented if the scent discolors the soap or we are only swirling a little bit. For larger amounts of swirl... we add some scent to each... then to the bulk to the pot of base. 

This scent we knew per reviews that it immediately discolors to a yellow, but the yellow disappears usually before time to cut it.... that is bright!

Reviews also said it does not accelerate (get thick fast) or rice (semi-separates)... we try to AVOID those things. This poured super thin... almost like water... so we were pausing before swirling.... 

BUT when I checked it just a minute after pour.... it was already very thick... so the swirls likely do not have the depth I wanted and most of the color will be on top. This is science.... but also art so it can be a bit trial and error. 


Still very pretty though and it smells AMAZING!!!

See the hints of yellow? That is uncolored. We'll see how it looks when I cut it tomorrow!

Sweet Passion!!!! 

Passion Flower, Red Currants, Mandarin, Acai Berries, Plumeria, Jasmine, Amber, plus a touch of greenery and Orange Flowers.

Herbalists have a high regard for the soothing properties of passionflower and recommend it as a general nerve tonic to treat stress and anxiety.  Passionflower is used to gently relax the mind/body to prepare for a more restful nights sleep... 

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