
Making Sweet Passion

Lynn Jones-Texadus

Making Sweet Passion

Yes, another NEW soap! It is the season to play and shake things up a bit.  I thought I'd share the process a bit since it has been awhile. First mixing the water and sodium hydroxide (lye)   Then blending in the pre-weighed fats and oils    Next we blend in the goat milk (We MILK the goats! We MAKE the soap!!)Next is PLAY TIME.... we pull out some soap batter and color for whatever swirls we want... this time we wanted 2 shades of purple and a nice teal.        Sometime we leave the colored parts unscented if...

How Long Does It Take to Make Soap?

Lynn Jones-Texadus

How Long Does It Take to Make Soap?

We are often asked "How long does it take to make soap?" My response starts with "Well first a mommy goat and a daddy goat love each other very much...." Our soap is Goat Milk Soap made from the our goat's milk. It is not made with goat milk powder or melt and pour base. It is cold process, hand crafted, goat milk soap. #wemilkthegoats #wemakethesoap No breeding, no baby goats, no baby goats, no milk. So how long does it take? First comes raising and caring for our small herd of goats. Breeding season begins in late summer and early...